by Annastasia | Jul 11, 2016 | Day in the life, Inkdrops, Living, routine
We know how it goes. The sun shines all week long while we’re busy at our desks. The weekend rolls around and it’s all cloudy skies and rain. You book a few days off work to did over the British summer has gone on holiday ruining your plans to hang out in...
by Annastasia | Mar 25, 2016 | Inkdrops, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine
Compared to ‘picking a priority’ this was so much easier to work into my life. Clearly, I understand what ‘do it earlier in the day’ means a lot more than I understand priorities! My morning routine is flexible and the time spent on a...
by Annastasia | Mar 5, 2016 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine
One of the things that both Carla and I observed while trying out ‘pick a priority’ in January was that when you do something seems to matter a bit. For me, it was the whole procrastination issue and choosing to do the jobs I liked first while making...
by Annastasia | Jan 7, 2016 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine, simplification
When Carla and I have been chatting during recent months the conversation seems mainly to revolve around how busy everyone is. And how unlikely to change this is in 2016. Everyone has embraced goal setting and planning in order to get what they they want....
by Annastasia | Sep 4, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, routine
Last weekend was a bank holiday with an extra day to relax, refresh and recharge. It was a time for hanging out with family and friends, for sleeping late or taking luxurious naps, for cooking recipes that there isn’t time for during the busier days of the week. Make...
by Annastasia | Jul 24, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, routine, simplification
I always feel better when I stick to a routine. Getting Things Done points out that if you are recording things you need to do rather than remembering this frees up space to be creative. I’m inclined to think that routine is the same. It’s much easier to...
by Annastasia | May 22, 2015 | Inkdrops, Living
It seems that days all too often require one to get in a car or on the bus to go and spend time doing something useful and productive. Now it’s lovely to spend a day being usefully busy. To lose yourself in the flow of activity and enjoy a glow of satisfaction...
by Annastasia | Apr 17, 2015 | Inkdrops, Living, organisation
We all want a bit more time. We struggle to fit things in. When we’re feeling harassed we ask for more hours in the day. Or enough time to get it, whatever it may be, done by the end of the week. I’m still working on more hours in the day. However, I did...
by Annastasia | Mar 13, 2015 | Inkdrops, Living, simplification
The bright sunshine this week has encouraged me to leave my desk and enjoy a lunchtime stroll. I know I should do it more often in the winter but it’s often more tempting to stay inside where it’s warm with a book to transport me to somewhere else. Even in...
by Annastasia | Mar 6, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, notebooks
It hasn’t been a particularly cold winter but it feels like it’s been going on for a long time. Maybe it’s simply because we’ve been waiting for a massive drop in temperature and heavy snow and it hasn’t yet arrived. Now there’s a...
by Annastasia | Feb 20, 2015 | Lists, Living, organisation, simplification
There seem to be so many approaches to decluttering. It makes me think of the numerous diet plans available. I’ve tried them all. I attempted to a room at a time but it took too long and I lost momentum. I’ve tried doing a little bit each day but I could never...
by Annastasia | Jan 9, 2015 | Books, Day in the life, Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, Lists, Living, notebooks, organisation
Every year I try to find a way of making my life more organised. I’m a scanner personality. So using exactly the same system year after year would probably bore me. Additionally, life doesn’t stay the same every year. Hence it’s good to be flexible...