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Why walking is best for letter writers

Why walking is best for letter writers

It seems that days all too often require one to get in a car or on the bus to go and spend time doing something useful and productive. Now it’s lovely to spend a day being usefully busy. To lose yourself in the flow of activity and enjoy a glow of satisfaction...

A walk alone

The bright sunshine this week has encouraged me to leave my desk and enjoy a lunchtime stroll. I know I should do it more often in the winter but it’s often more tempting to stay inside where it’s warm with a book to transport me to somewhere else. Even in...
Preparing to embrace Spring

Preparing to embrace Spring

It hasn’t been a particularly cold winter but it feels like it’s been going on for a long time. Maybe it’s simply because we’ve been waiting for a massive drop in temperature and heavy snow and it hasn’t yet arrived. Now there’s a...