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Investigating the Novel Cure

Investigating the Novel Cure

In my Christmas stocking, this year was a copy of the unusual and highly intriguing The Novel Cure. In the madness of Christmas, I didn’t get a chance to curl up with it. This has turned out to be a good thing. This is very much a book to dip in and out of when...
Oh, my… favourite childhood books

Oh, my… favourite childhood books

How I love the proper books from my childhood. Rustly pages, big typeface, simple illustrations – and that unmistakable, addictive old book smell. Holiday Summer by Decie Merwin I’ve always been a voracious reader, and even now at the grand old age of...
Oh, my; the perfect winter evening

Oh, my; the perfect winter evening

Now I know I talk about the weather a lot (I’m British, humour me) but is there anything more lovely than coming in from the cold, making a mug of hot chocolate and curling up on the sofa with a big snuggly blanket and a book? The winter evening accompaniments which...