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Organisational tips for March 2023

Organisational tips for March 2023

Here are our tips and thoughts on making March 2023 a lovelier and more organised month. About your lovely new stationery Remember that lovely new stationery you got for Christmas? It’s time to spot admiring it from a distance and dreaming about using it...
October’s Organisation Tips

October’s Organisation Tips

Prepare for the festive season It’ll be here before you know it so begin thinking about what you’re doing it. Where are you spending it? Who do you need to buy gifts for? What will you eat? Even starting a brain dump that you can add to over the next week...
September’s Organisation Tips

September’s Organisation Tips

Do a brain dump Take a least 10 minutes over a cuppa to write down everything that is floating around your head. Then pull out the tasks that need doing straight away. As for the others work out which ones you might do before December and those which hold the seeds of...
Organisational tips for April

Organisational tips for April

Choose a single focus for summer things Making a summer bucket list is a pretty standard suggestion. It’s taking action on them that counts though. So after you’ve written your list (or given it some idle thought when you’re waiting for your emails...
Organisational Tips for March

Organisational Tips for March

Prepare for the clocks to go forward Missing that extra hour of sleep can be a tiny shock to the system and leave your feeling ever so slightly out of sync for a few days. Take the opportunity to get a good sleep routine in place throughout the week. You’ll feel...