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Every year I try to find a way of making my life more organised. I’m a scanner personality. So using exactly the same system year after year would probably bore me. Additionally, life doesn’t stay the same every year. Hence it’s good to be flexible to accommodate this (and have an excuse to buy new notebooks).

In previous years I’ve used a Dodopad, and a Moleskine Diary. This year I’m using a variety of tools both online and paper.

Wunderlist (now Microsoft To Do)

This is mainly used to keep on top of reoccurring tasks or projects. I used to add one-off tasks to it but found that they tended to get lost among the number of repetitive reminders.

Sparkly green diary

Basically, I’ll be using this to write a sentence or two about what I got up to each day. All else aside I find it a useful way of remembering what I did and where I was. This is handy if I’m puzzling over a bank statement.

Small notebook and plastic pouch

Receipts go in the pouch and I record anything I buy in the notebook. I transfer these to a spreadsheet every week. But it’s small enough to fit in my day bag and ensures I don’t forget about small purchases (they all add up).

Big green notebook

This is going to be my daybook for the year. Generally, I write down snippets of information, things to look up, order numbers, job lists and recipes. The paper feels lovely and there’s plenty of space for doodles.

The New Year Revolution from Do What You Love

Each month I’m using this to plan how to achieve 3 goals in the month ahead. These can be anything from giving blood to organising a birthday celebration to getting more sleep. I check each night to see if I’m up to date on the mini-goals and fill in a daily gratitude sheet.

So that me looking forward to making 2015 a great year. How about you? What have you planned to do?