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Cosy Blogging

Cosy Blogging

It’s half-past seven on a Monday evening as I type this. One of my kitties is asleep. The other one is sitting next to me meowing sadly at intervals because the laptop isn’t very exciting to her; a mouse on a stick would be much more fun. I wasn’t...
My seasonal bucket list – autumn

My seasonal bucket list – autumn

I know, with all the autumn-themed posts! But it’s one of my favourite times of the year, and it’s so very photogenic (when it’s not pouring with rain – a pluviophile I am definitely not!) It was Maddy who first suggested the idea of a seasonal...
Can you put Autumn in an envelope?

Can you put Autumn in an envelope?

There’s something about autumn days. The nip of cool air in the morning makes me smile in a way that the warm caress of a summer day didn’t. Maybe because we expect the weather in this part of the world to be cool and maybe a bit dull. Summer weather is...
Oh, my! Winter Walks

Oh, my! Winter Walks

Here in Essex, we’ve started to feel a nip in the air – it’s still milder than I’d expect for November, but early starts and late finishes really open your eyes to the fact that we’re in the last six weeks of the year. (eek!) So...
My sensible September

My sensible September

Autumn has always been my favourite season. It’s the comfort of a return to routine. The opportunity to enjoy the last of summer mixed while anticipating the months ahead. Cooler mornings but lunchtimes warm enough to read by the river. Like a mix of summer...
Sensible September and me (by Carla)

Sensible September and me (by Carla)

I love September even more as an adult than I did as a child. The end of hay fever and sneezing, the back-to-school feeling without actually having to go back to school, cosy evenings, the start of term at my local adult education centre… It’s sensible for...
Summer delights & dash; what did you get up to?

Summer delights & dash; what did you get up to?

It’s been a busy, busy month and as the days turn into weeks and months, and suddenly it’s September and feeling distinctly autumnal, I thought I’d do a quick roundup of some of our summer adventures… We had decadent breakfasts in Giraffe… found wallpaper patterned...