It’s been a pretty good summer in the UK this year. The weather has been warm on the whole. There’s been lots of sunshine and blue skies. It seems like summer has been here for months. However, all good things must come to an end. It’s August. It’ll be autumn before you know it. And all those summer plans won’t happen all by themselves.
Carla and I put our heads together to think of 3 ways that we could enjoy the summer being here and now.
3 ways to make the most of summer
- There are so many awesome things about summer that it can be overwhelming. So keep it simple and choose a summer theme. Pick one aspect of summer and really focus on that. Seek to find your theme every single day. It could be seasonal food, a colour, or an activity. Spend your lunch hour hunting down summer squash, and your evening trying out different ways of cooking them. Follow accounts on Instagram that feature the bright blue that is a summer sky to you.
2. Create a summer bucket list. But don’t just write it and then forget about it. Plan how to put your list into action. Give yourself a set period of time to make things happen. Maybe assign 31 things for August and delight in doing one each day. Or decide that summer really does last until the clocks go back.
3. Look at your daily routine and figure out how you can make it more seasonable. Can you top your breakfast with summer fruits and then eat it in the garden? Could you play summer songs on your commute? Have a BBQ for dinner at least twice a week? Watch the twilight draw in for an hour before bed (instead of binge-watching box sets)?
Personally, I’m drinking tea in the garden every morning, getting enthused about courgettes and choosing to don shorts wherever possible. Carla is driving with the roof down, wearing flip-flops all the time and enjoying nature strolls at lunchtime.
P.S. If you can’t wait for autumn then get in the back to school mood and treat yourself to some new stationery.
P.P.S How about a mini subscription with stickers or London themed goodies?
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash
I love the idea of picking a theme for the season and then doing things in line with that colour / scent / sound etc! E.g. dressing in yellow all month, or buying pineapple scented candles and body wash, or listening to Taylor Swift every day! Will definitely give that a go – thanks! 😀
Let us know what you do and how you get on! I need more sunshine yellow in my life!