I love September even more as an adult than I did as a child.
The end of hay fever and sneezing, the back-to-school feeling without actually having to go back to school, cosy evenings, the start of term at my local adult education centre…
It’s sensible for me in both senses (no pun intended) of the word. I have been spending time filing. Basically combining scraps of paper into proper lists. Then writing out plans and hopes and dreams for the rest of the year.
And it’s also a time when I become very aware of all my senses. That tang in the air when it first starts to get cold and autumn seems just around the corner; the bliss of soaking up the very last of the summer’s sunshine; the softest of blankets to curl up with on the sofa. There will also be the return of my cats to my lap, now it’s not so warm.
Embracing autumn
Though I’ve loved the summer, I find myself longing to kick leaves and smell bonfires, and become one big autumn cliche, really. I’m itching to get out and about with my camera after a chance meeting last weekend. And I’m looking at my wardrobe with new eyes to see what can be layered as the days become shorter.

In true back-to-school spirit, I’ve been looking at classes and courses online and locally. Metal stamping, fabric printing and Get To Know Your Sewing Machine (do they do one called Sewing for the Terrified, I wonder?) are high on my list. Informal learning with friends who also love photography is also on my cards for this time of year. Plus time with my Gran in the kitchen. It’s a habit I can’t quite break… and quite a lovely one, I think.
What does Sensible September mean to you?
Lovely post Carla 🙂 September to me this year means an impossible to do list before baby arrives at the end of October! I need to among other things sand down the girls new beds and finish painting their room and make a million curtains! But I’m also looking forward to having cosy evenings in once the furnace is lit for the winter too
Squeeee, new baby!! xx