by Carla | Aug 5, 2018 | Bullet Journal, Inkdrops, Lists, organisation
In a delightful twist of irony, I have been so busy setting up & using my bullet journal, I utterly forgot to blog about it last week. The best laid plans… As I’ve finally left my day job to focus on my businesses full time, I had a lot to squish in this...
by Annastasia | Jun 5, 2017 | Inkdrops, My life in stationery
When we read through Madelyn’s ‘My life in stationery’ we were pretty impressed that she takes weekends off from list-making. Then we discovered that she’s a healthy lifestyle mentor and it all started to make sense! It made our glitter paper...
by Carla | May 22, 2017 | Bullet Journal, Inkdrops, Lists, organisation
Lists! Lists of lists of lists of lists… they’re great, but sometimes they can get a bit much for even the most enthusiastic of list-makers raises hand sheepishly. My beloved bullet journal is still going strong and has been something of a lifesaver in recent...
by Annastasia | May 8, 2017 | An envelope of snippets, Inkdrops
We hear rumours that May is going to be delightfully warm. So we’ll resist the urge to rip up our job lists and head off to the park. We’re pretty certain you still want to get the stationery you ordered delivered! However, there’s still potential...
by Annastasia | Mar 13, 2017 | An envelope of snippets, Inkdrops
Hooray for (slightly) warmer days. Hello, lunchtime strolls in the park. Welcome to green shoots. Ideally, we’d be suggesting that you got away from the screen and headed off to get some fresh air. However, spring weather is never predictable so you can save...
by Annastasia | Feb 13, 2017 | An envelope of snippets, Inkdrops
How’s February going for you? At Ink Drops Towers things have been busy and random as usual (that’s just what happens when two scanners work together!). We’ve been trying to conquer our job lists, make time for naps and not overdose on Earl Grey....
by Annastasia | Sep 5, 2016 | Bullet Journal, Diaries and Journals, Handwriting, Inkdrops, Lists, Living, notebooks, organisation, routine
I’m clearly not an early adopter. And as regards bullet journalling I’m officially late to the party. Carla has shown me her own journal on several occasions but I’ve always resisted the urge to try it out. It looked complicated and quite probably...
by Annastasia | Aug 15, 2016 | Inkdrops, Lists, notebooks, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine, simplification
One job list is best. Does everyone agree? It means you can focus. You don’t have multiple lists to check and coordinate. However, as with so many things in this life, it’s rarely as simple as that. I use Wunderlist ( Now Microsoft To Do) to keep track of...
by Annastasia | Jul 25, 2016 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine, simplification
You don’t come to this blog to read about cleaning the oven but it was oven cleaning that proved so fruitful during my exploration of ‘do it in 10 minutes’. I hate cleaning the oven and hob. I put off doing it until I can’t stand the state of the things any longer....
by Annastasia | Mar 5, 2016 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, One Thing at a Time, organisation, routine
One of the things that both Carla and I observed while trying out ‘pick a priority’ in January was that when you do something seems to matter a bit. For me, it was the whole procrastination issue and choosing to do the jobs I liked first while making...
by Carla | Jan 15, 2016 | Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, Lists, organisation, simplification
Ah, the holy grail of perfect organisation. I’ve been chasing it since I was about sixteen, and apparently doing a good job of pretending, as people often tell me how organised they think I am. And to a point, it’s true. I never miss an appointment, rarely...
by Annastasia | Nov 27, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, Travelling Desk
I’ve been struggling this year to get into the festive spirit. Yes, it’s is still early. We are only in November. So I could cut myself a little slack and imagine that Yuletide glee will wash over me when I open the first door on my advent calendar....