by Annastasia | May 1, 2016 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, National Stationery Week, Pens
Inspiring Stationery item: Sheaffer pen* How I’d use it: For appearing super professional while taking notes in a meeting (must focus – no daydreaming), and then for writing a letter to a dear and distant friend in my lunch hour (daydreaming permitted)....
by Carla | Apr 29, 2016 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, National Stationery Week, Pens
Inspiring stationery item A trusty fountain pen How I’d use it To write a letter to a dear friend, to journal my heart out in my favourite notebook, and to take notes in meetings with glorious sparkly ink When I’d use it Any time a pen is called for,...
by Annastasia | Oct 30, 2015 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, Living, organisation, routine
It’s the end of October. Our minds can easily turn to thoughts of death. The year is dying. The cold makes us feel our years. Halloween brings ghosts to mind. I’ve talked before about writing to yourself so that you can remind your future self how you feel...
by Annastasia | Oct 16, 2015 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, Lists, Living, routine
There you are settling down for a writing session. You’ve got your stationery supplies laid out, your pen selected, and a cup of tea gently steaming (or the cold beverage of your choice – maybe the ice is still gently chinking). But do you make one more...
by Annastasia | Aug 7, 2015 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, routine
It’s a joy to write a letter. Choosing what paper to write on. Selecting a pen. Settling down in a favourite chair, or at a desk or even in the garden. Then there’s the satisfaction in constructing the sentences. Scribbling furiously to get you’re your thoughts done...
by Carla | Jul 3, 2015 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, Living
I’ve had a run of delightful post recently, but top of the made-me-smile list is definitely this gorgeous card from Chloe, to my cats, on the occasion of their second birthday: When I first opened it I thought it was a print. But it’s actually an original...
by Carla | Nov 2, 2014 | Creative, Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, Photographs
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I mentioned the C-word… but I’m sure if you’re a crafter, like me, you’ve at least thought about it, right?! I didn’t blog on Friday, because I wanted to feature this year’s Christmas cards on the...
by Annastasia | Jul 4, 2014 | An envelope of snippets, Articles, Books, Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, Letters
Life is full of small delights. Piles of books waiting to be read. Bundles of letters. Amusing cuttings. Memories. Friends. Surprises. I’ve taken to attempt to bring these together by booby-trapping my books. A friend who always adds glitter and sequins to...
by Carla | May 2, 2014 | Inkdrops, Letters, Living, Travelling Desk
I’m off on holiday at the end of next week. And in typical Carla style, haven’t thought about clothes but have already decided what stationery to take with me… Obviously the type of trip makes a difference. Whether I’ll actually have a chance to sit...
by Annastasia | Apr 25, 2014 | An envelope of snippets, Inkdrops, Letters
I love to include all kinds of snippets with my letters. For example, a newspaper cutting, a recipe, a dried flower, a vintage tea card. Here is a handful of virtual snippets to enjoy. How about putting together a writing kit for a faraway friend? Or your own personal...
by Annastasia | Jan 3, 2014 | Handwriting, Inkdrops, Letters, Living, Seasons
I always found New Year’s Eve a tricky occasion. I knew that I wanted to see the New Year in, and sing Auld Lang Syne. It was the bits either side of that which I found problematic. I’d enjoyed parties, bars, pubs, and even central London on the evening of the...
by Annastasia | Dec 13, 2013 | Inkdrops, Letters, Living
Queuing in the Post Office can be wonderful. It’s time to read. You can spot interesting people. Eavesdropping is often rewarding. You can play the ‘guess what’s in the parcel’ game. It’s inevitable at this time of year that more people...