by Annastasia | Apr 28, 2016 | Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, National Stationery Week, notebooks, routine
Inspiring stationery item Nu: notebook* How I’d use it For writing a gratitude list at bedtime. Particularly as it’s slim enough to pack if I’m away and I can use felt tips on the pages. Where I’d use Sitting at my desk or curled up in chair...
by Annastasia | Sep 4, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, routine
Last weekend was a bank holiday with an extra day to relax, refresh and recharge. It was a time for hanging out with family and friends, for sleeping late or taking luxurious naps, for cooking recipes that there isn’t time for during the busier days of the week. Make...
by Carla | Mar 13, 2014 | Business Musings, Creative, Day in the life, Guest posts, Inkdrops, Living
Eli is the artist behind our Sshh card (in February’s box) and one of the fabulous cards in April’s Ace box. As an artist and stationery lover, and fellow slow living advocate, we asked her what a typical day looks like… There is no such thing as a...