Prepare for the festive season
It’ll be here before you know it so begin thinking about what you’re doing it. Where are you spending it? Who do you need to buy gifts for? What will you eat? Even starting a brain dump that you can add to over the next week or so is a good start. Then sit down and sort those random thoughts into a plan.
Fall back on some self-care
An extra hour in bed is a fantastic start to an autumnal self-care focus. Snooze, read a book or get enthused about the season ahead. Then take this focus on self-care forward. Look at where you could enjoy more sleep as well as more time doing things for you.
Tackle that space!
Surely we all have a space that seems to attract clutter like a magnet. Mine is a corner of my kitchen counter that is currently home to some batteries (possibly working, possibly not), a can of chalk spray and a pumpkin-shaped candle holder. They’ve all been there along with a random sachet of vinegar, a pencil and some blank address label for at least 6 months. My quest? To ask myself why they are still there. I know the answer already but it’s not one I like. Find a better answer than I don’t know what to do with it!
P.s. Thinking about a stationery advent calendar? Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know.