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It’s starting to feel like it might be time to throw off that pile of blankets and bid my onesie farewell for another season. While spring does not feel like it has totally sprung there’s a definite feeling that it might be here soonest. So how are we embracing this at Ink Drops Towers?

Top of our list is spring cleaning all the places that stationery has nested over the Winter. You know how it goes!

The stages of a pen infestation

  1. You tidy your desk and pencil case in September while infused with back-to-school spirit. At this point, the pencil case contains a small number of essentials; a sensible pen, a pen in your signature ink colour, a pencil and a highlighter. 
  2. A week or two later you add a couple of other pens. And some sticky notes. They’ll all be really handy.
  3. New pens make their way into your life so you add them to the pencil case. After all, it would be a shame not to make use of them.
  4. An orange gel pen seems like an awesome Halloween addition.
  5. You pick up a random branded pen in the office/networking/visiting the dentist. It goes in the pencil case ‘for the time being’.
  6. The highlighter appears to have spontaneously reproduced and you have 2 more in there along with a clutch of mini highlighters and some festive washi tape.
  7. You introduce a second pencil case for ‘essentials’ while continuing to carry the first round with you. Mysteriously the collection in both continues to grow. You’ve also added a pouch with supplies for writing Christmas cards.
  8. March arrives and though you were convinced all your writing instruments had migrated to your workbag this proves to be untrue. There are sightings of pen clutters across your home.
  9. However, you are completely unable to find a writing instrument of any kind when you take an expected phone call and end up writing the vital info using eyeliner/toothpaste/peanut butter.

Have you also discovered pen infestations across your home, workplace and car? We’d love to hear your stories!