Routine has always been a good thing. Obviously, in the interesting times, we currently live in this is ever more relevant.
Morning routines have become super trendy. Even if you’re not planning on an hour of yoga and intention setting it’s good not to have to think too much when you’re barely awake. Likewise, evening routines are soothing when your brain and body are tired from the day.
It’s the rest of the day that can lack structure. You may have 9-12.30 blocked out to work. But how do you decide what to do?
Types of tasks
I figure that each week has 2 types of tasks. The first are tasks that need doing on a regular basis. This might be daily (washing up), weekly (cleaning the bathroom) or at some other interval. Among the latter, I’m thinking of monthly, quarterly and annual tasks. So MOT, insurance renewals, emptying the vacuum cleaner and other glamour tasks.
The second type of task are those that don’t need repeating. Returning a phone call. Posting a letter. Deciding to make a cake.
I realised that I have a lot of small tasks that needed doing every week. Initially, I struggled to do them in the most effective manner. I would attempt to batch them and then try to fit too much. Or do the ones I liked best first and then let the others linger undone.
My solution was to create a list of tasks that needed to be completed weekly and then assign some to each day. I’ve tweaked the assigned tasks a few times since then to better-fit circumstances. I keep the schedule in the back of my Moleskine planner and refer to it each week when planning.
The weekly list forms the base for each day’s schedule. It gives me an idea of what shape the day will have. I can then add on daily reoccurring tasks and one-off items.
In the next few weeks knowing that this bit of structure is in place will be reassuring.