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Anyone else felt like 2022 was so busy that it was going to crash into Christmas? That you could almost hear the squeaking of the brakes as it attempted to slow down. Thankfully I wasn’t buying 486 Christmas gifts or hosting a festive lunch for 10 because I do not know where the time to do that would have been.

This is why my word for 2023 is the rather unglamorous ‘shed’. Not the wooden thing at the bottom of your garden. Instead the thing your cat does all over the rug or that you intend to do to some pounds via a better diet and more exercise.

Yes, I could have chosen ‘discard’, ‘less’ or even ‘shoo’! But shed sounds like something you do as you go along. It’s not big (and bound to fail). Consider it an incremental change that results in a reduced version.

To shed in 2023

😾Blogs I follow in Feedly but I skip past every post

😾Emails I’m subscribed to but I delete without reading them. I’ve already purged the most obvious ones now for the ones related to interests I am no longer active (don’t confuse action with an intention or being on a mailing list) and the ones that I automatically store in folders for my weekly reading time (which rarely happens).

😾Notes that I wrote six months ago and haven’t done anything about

😾Clothing I have no room to store (it might be time for another buy no clothing year).

😾Things I plan to sell but thus far have not been bothered to do so

😾Random food items that I intend to use up when I find the right recipe

😾My books-to-read pile – I could actually read them instead of acquiring new ones.

I’d consider doing an update on this but that kind of regular commitment is something else I’m trying to shed.