Woo hoo! It’s the season for feeling festive. Sending cards and letters with added glitter is a perfectly normal activity. Everyone is making lists (and if they’re Santa checking them twice). Plus the new year is on people’s minds so diaries and planners are discussed at the dinner table.
Ink Drops HQ is slowly but surely looking more festive. We struggled to find a time to put up our decorations and it was starting to seem like a chore. So we simply put the box of decorations out and are putting a piece up every time we pass it. For some reason, this gradual transformation feels so festive!
Festive feeling links for December
- Make great use of your stationery supplies (and have an excuse to buy more) to decorate for Christmas
- Dreading Christmas? It’s better when things go wrong but you need a plan first – or so I told you all back in December 2014
- Enjoy this selection of vintage Christmas cards. My favourite was the toy cannon but Christmas in Florida came a close second
- Feeling stressed out? Apparently making a list clears valuable headspace.
Now go and eat a mince pie/satsuma/advent calendar chocolate and make lovely lists.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash