January is a great month for bujo activities. You can start a bujo at any time but it seems extra awesome to do it at the start of a new year.
Annastasia’s musings on her bujo
I took up bullet journaling in the latter part of 2016. Since then I really struggled to create a monthly spread that focuses on goals and intentions. My weekly spreads focus on specific tasks. I have project pages that list individual jobs for bigger things. I felt I should be creating some kind of bigger picture for my life but couldn’t quite see how to make it work each month.
My inspiration came in the form of 2 pictures I cut from magazines. One was advice from Ferris Bueller. The other a glimpse of what Google’s new headquarters might look like. Then I was looking for somewhere to record what I had learnt from Happiness at Home that month. Thirdly, fancy tape can fill in gaps in a bujo! Or so I read somewhere…
And so just like that, I had a new spread of things that were on my mind. Things that would inspire me through the month ahead. I didn’t need to go looking for a very grand plan, just one that went beyond a job list.
I’m happy to report that my sleep has increased making me a somewhat nicer and more even-tempered person who has been keener to exercise and engage with life.
Carla’s musings on bujos
I spent the last Sunday in January planning in my studio with my very lovely and very talented illustrator friend Rhiannon Bull (watch this space for some of her work in our boxes!).
She was telling me how she’d bought a bullet journal last year. A bright yellow bullet journal and she made it beautiful. Then she’d been too nervous to use it. She thought she might “spoil” it by writing in it (This is an ACTUAL ARTIST, guys – and even SHE can’t be doing with all the arty pages!!).
Fast forward to now. The elaborate decoration is no longer a regular feature. It’s being used in a more rough and ready fashion. She says it’s made all the difference. It’s now a useful tool and one that helps her organise her multifaceted and very creative life.
And me? The closest I get to making mine beautiful is occasional washi tape and some My Little Pony stickers.
I really felt happy about one spread last month. It was ‘essentials for a life well lived’. And yes, that’s February next to it. I tried to count out blank pages so it would be at the end of January and start of February. I failed miserably so it’s now lurking a few days into February, despite being in the index for January…!)
P.S. You can read more about our bullet journal adventures and if you sign up for our (sort of regular) newsletter we’ll send you a bujo habit tracker and planner pages to download.