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Opening your post is one of the joys of receiving post. It’s like a mini Christmas. Plus it’s even more exciting when it isn’t a bill or a circular. Or when you can’t guess exactly what will be in it just from looking at the envelope.

One of the exciting bits of every month is packing up the Ace box orders ready to ship all over the world. It’s wonderful to handle all that lovely stationery. Choosing what tape and stickers we will use on the envelope is also pretty cool. Additionally, it’s a great opportunity to have a natter about everything from bullet journal to favourite ink colours. We’ve started making ‘boxing’ videos showing us packing what goes into each month’s box. The time-lapse style amuses us no end. It makes it all seem so frantic!

Boxing up for February

Unboxing February – opening the post

By contrast unboxing, videos are much less frantic. But there’s no less love for the contents. Erika, from Diary of a Bibliophile, made this unboxing video (it’s in Italian) showing the February selection.

If you miss the feeling of anticipation when the post arrives then order yourself some goodies. Naturally, stationery can be justified as a necessity! You can receive the Ace selection as a one-off or as a subscription for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or forever! Or you could pick up something from our shop. Our 345 selections as available in yellow and pink and include 3 stationery items for just a fiver.