Stuck for original gift inspiration? How about buying them a book on how to make their own ink from foraged items?
You probably knew that the Post Office issued special stamps but did you know that you can buy postcard-sized versions of the stamps? Given the themes include everything from Marvel to curious customs to navy ships to Elton John there must be gifting inspiration in here!
So you’ve been journalling away in a merry manner all year. But as you start to consider buying a journal for next year the question of what to do with the old one comes up. This article offers a thoughtful and practical approach to the keep/bin/burn options based on your motivation for writing.
The Dead Days aren’t a new band; they are that odd week between Christmas and New Year. That time when you’re not sure if you’re supposed to be celebrating or fasting. Enjoy these ideas for things to do that don’t involve shopping!
I’ll have a clear out after Christmas, you say wondering where you put your Marie Kondo book. Procrastinate a little with this look at the origins of the ‘spark joy’ phrase.