It must be summer because I’ve turned the heating off. This means that I am typing this while rain splatters the windows. And one thought prevents me from staying focused. Was I a bit premature in packing away my onesie?
It’s a clean slate
The ever-inspiring Gretchen Rubin has identified the post-pandemic ‘return to normal’ as a wonderful clean slate opportunity. Combined with the change of season use it as a way to kick start good habits or leave behind not-so-good ones (looking at you Bourneville buttons!).
What to carry with you
It’s been a while since we left the house. Other than to go to the supermarket and the Post Office. Hence we are delighted that Yorkshire Tea has helped out with a handy checklist of things you’ll need to take to the pub.
A list of delightful things
Does boredom plague you? Here’s a list full of delightful tasks that we want to potter around and do
Enjoy this season of change and don’t forget to pack a notebook and an umbrella!
P.S. When it rains on a summer day we feel a bit like this.