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Ahh, April showers and the promise of spring… at least here in the northern hemisphere. April is a changeable feast of bank holidays and weird weather.

Between all the unexpected days off and munching our Easter eggs, we put together a rather delightful stationery selection for you. Let’s take a closer look:

Ink Drops stationery subscription box April contents | stationery by subscription by


Books and travel go together. And these beautiful metal bookmarks take these are their themes. I’ve found they also work rather nicely as page markers in a bullet journal. One for (appropriately) my reading list, one for my monthly overview & habit tracker spread, one for today’s page… and one left over for whichever actual book I’m reading.


Then there is a beautiful embellished birthday card with a sweet wooden keepsake ornament. Very instagrammable and also has enough old fashioned charm for you to send to a favourite great-aunt.

The second card of April’s selection is the pink “Snappy Birthday” camera extravaganza. Perfect for the photographer, aspiring model or teenager in your life. We don’t usually include two birthday cards in a monthly box. But a (completely unscientific but conclusive nonetheless) poll showed that the majority of people we know between us were born in April, May or June. So we figured the April box would be the ideal spot for an extra birthday card. Just to help you stay organised!

Snappy birthday card from - stationery by subscription


Definitely vying for the title of “cutest thing we have ever shipped”, this adorable sparkly llama eraser snuck his way into our hearts and your April box. I’m not sure I could bear to wear out his little legs by using him as an actual eraser. So mine is adorning my desk and making me smile every time I look at him.

alpaca eraser from - stationery by subscription

(If yours is also in the wild, share photos with us using #inkdropsbox. Or even #inkdropsllama. We would love to see!


And finally, a very sweet set of mini tapes & the tiniest tape dispenser you ever did see, from a fabulous new kawaii stationery supplier we found earlier this year. I have been using these mostly in my notebook, and also for sticking affirmation notes to my mirror and my kitchen cupboards.

Mini tapes from - stationery by subscription

As always, we’d love to see what you’ve been up to on your stationery adventures. Share them with us @inkdropsbox everywhere on social. Or #inkdropsbox.

You have till midnight on the 7th to reserve your box next month. Why not have a sneak peek at the contents? Hop over and subscribe now!