by Annastasia | Jul 11, 2016 | Day in the life, Inkdrops, Living, routine
We know how it goes. The sun shines all week long while we’re busy at our desks. The weekend rolls around and it’s all cloudy skies and rain. You book a few days off work to did over the British summer has gone on holiday ruining your plans to hang out in...
by Annastasia | Sep 4, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, routine
Last weekend was a bank holiday with an extra day to relax, refresh and recharge. It was a time for hanging out with family and friends, for sleeping late or taking luxurious naps, for cooking recipes that there isn’t time for during the busier days of the week. Make...
by Annastasia | Jul 24, 2015 | Inkdrops, Lists, Living, organisation, routine, simplification
I always feel better when I stick to a routine. Getting Things Done points out that if you are recording things you need to do rather than remembering this frees up space to be creative. I’m inclined to think that routine is the same. It’s much easier to...
by Annastasia | Apr 17, 2015 | Inkdrops, Living, organisation
We all want a bit more time. We struggle to fit things in. When we’re feeling harassed we ask for more hours in the day. Or enough time to get it, whatever it may be, done by the end of the week. I’m still working on more hours in the day. However, I did...
by Annastasia | Feb 6, 2015 | Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, Lists, Living, notebooks, organisation, simplification
How do you handle your to-do list? I find that I add more tasks than I can do. Then I carry these over to the next day or week. At this point, it becomes clear that once again I’ve given myself too many tasks to do. Consequently, I’m always a bit behind...
by Annastasia | Jan 9, 2015 | Books, Day in the life, Diaries and Journals, Inkdrops, Lists, Living, notebooks, organisation
Every year I try to find a way of making my life more organised. I’m a scanner personality. So using exactly the same system year after year would probably bore me. Additionally, life doesn’t stay the same every year. Hence it’s good to be flexible...
by Annastasia | Dec 12, 2014 | Christmas Preparations, Creative, Inkdrops, Living, organisation
It’s the season for making plans, having high expectations and hoping that everything will be wonderful. It’s also the season for high-stress levels when no one will play ball with your amazing plan and for setting yourself up for disappointment....
by Annastasia | Aug 15, 2014 | Inkdrops, Living, organisation, simplification
So you’ve been away from your usual routine for a few days. You’ve been away. Maybe it was business. Perhaps a visit from the family. Or you went on holiday. Possibly you were just really busy. In any case, you’ve lost the thread of your routine. You...
by Annastasia | Apr 11, 2014 | Inkdrops, Living
It would be lovely if life ran smoothly all the time (although possibly also somewhat dull). However it doesn’t and the irritants are often small things, disappointments and crosswords, that linger on our minds. Then as we pick them over they swell out of proportion....
by Carla | Jan 18, 2014 | Inkdrops, Living
Happy (rather belated) new year, stationery lovers! I’ve chosen a word for the year for the first time in 2014. In keeping with the ethos of Ink Drops, and in an attempt to continue to slow down and really savour and appreciate life, I’ve chosen BALANCE....