Our state of desk sounds just a bit chaotic this month but as we’ve found time for Christmas planning and for reading it can’t be all bad! What’s your state of desk?
Writing with:
Annastasia: a pen my Mum gave me that says ‘I’m pretending to work’ on the side – it’s entirely untrue. Carla has seen my current notebook fill up with all kinds of useful and probably work-related things.
Carla: jumbo pencils – always in 2B (so much more satisfying than standard HB). Mainly as I’m reorganising furniture on paper and it never fits the first time!
Current planner:
Annastasia: My Passion planner continues to rule my days but worryingly there is a wad of flyers, notes on envelopes and other ephemera tucked inside.
Carla: All four Filofaxes are out in force this month and making me feel slightly more in control of the chaos. Sometimes.
This month’s beverage of choice:
Annastasia: Moondrop dreams loose leaf tea from Bird and Blend – it smells and tastes amazing. Plus it looks really pretty.
Carla: Mainlining Pepsi Max to stay awake and get everything done that needs doing in time!
Recent read:
Annastasia: The first volume of the graphic novel of American Gods. I rushed back to the library the next day to borrow volume 2. It was so good!
Carla: A stack of fiction about Cornwall – not intentionally, but the last four books I’ve read have all been set in various parts of Cornwall. Maybe a sign I should be planning to visit my family there soon?
Can’t stop thinking about:
Annastasia: Mini printers to use with my planner and whether colour or mono would be better. I like the idea of using highlighters to decorate black and white prints.
Carla: Sleep and my upcoming Open Studios weekend – not necessarily in that order. The amount of prep there astounds me every year. And every year I leave it to the very last minute…
Christmas prep so far:
Annastasia: My family Secret Santa gift exchange is set up on Elfster and I’ve booked two days for Christmas Shopping (one with my sister and one with my partner, the lovely Ted).
Carla: Thinking about what images I want on my business and personal Christmas cards, haven’t even thought about shopping but have booked festive catch-ups with two of my besties 🙂