Where are our heads at right now? They’re full of books, planner experiments and what work is. What’s your current state of desk?
Writing with:
Annastasia – A green Bic. Getting a green biro that actually works can be a challenge that there have been many disappointments so finding a brand that is reliable really counts.
Carla – The Fountain Pentel from a recent Ink Drops box – I stayed away from home for a couple of weeks this month and it was fab to have something fountain pen-esque but not valuable to take with me for morning pages and planning.
Current planner:
Annastasia – Experimenting with Plutio to see if it compliments my paper planning supplies
Carla – I’ve added a third Filofax to my collection so hoping to shift business planning into that and release the overstuffedness of my main one!
This month’s beverage of choice:
Annastasia – Coconut Chai from Tea India – such a delicious taste. It feels like indulgence in a cup.
Carla – Unusually for me, gallons of water – with ice, obviously.
Recent read:
Annastasia – From a certain point of view: Star Wars. It’s a re-telling of A New Hope in 40 short stories, each one told from a different character viewpoint. Obviously, you’re looking to see how they tie into the main story arc but each has something to offer from a Shakespearian take on Darth Vader to what a mouse droid is really thinking.
Carla – Katie Fforde’s A Secret Garden. it’s made me think about what I can do with my own garden which I love but which is a bit unkempt! But possibly next year. This year I’ll settle for a few days where it’s actually ok enough weather to sit in the garden.
Can’t stop thinking about:
Annastasia – The idea that reading is work. It’s not laziness; it’s learning.
Carla – The importance of rest to productivity. When you feel you can’t stop, is exactly the point you should. And if you do, you’ll find it much easier to get through what was on your to-do list before you stopped.