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Links from for November 2018 - Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

While just a few months ago we were all about wearing sarongs instead of dressing gowns. Suddenly onesies and unicorn slippers seem more relevant. Some of the days now are bright and clear if cold. But the grey days are the ones when we want to stay inside and embrace cosiness. Join us with our distractions for this month.

Links for November

There’s definitely a nip around Ink Drops Towers and I’m not sure a bathroom upgrade is on the cards. As soon as I look at these Japanese soaking tubs (isn’t soaking in the bath while reading a perfect winter pleasure?) I feel warmer.

Making your own Christmas cards this year? Why not take it a teeny further and make your own envelopes as well. Not sure how? The Letter Writers Alliance have a handy how-to-make-envelopes video

Do you need a speedy distraction? We like to take a few minutes to look at this lovely Instagram account because books, cats, and tea cups make everything better for a few minutes.

It’s getting dark so early in the evening so we rather fancy lighting up our space with these adorable houses/lights made from books. Wouldn’t you like your own little town?

At any rate, I couldn’t let November pass without one little mention of Christmas. Warm your heart and impress your children/grandchildren/niece/nephew/colleagues with your knowledge of the story behind NORAD’s Santa Tracker

P.S. If you’re about to start Christmas shopping do pop over to our shop of stationery loveliness.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash