Do a brain dump
Take a least 10 minutes over a cuppa to write down everything that is floating around your head. Then pull out the tasks that need doing straight away. As for the others work out which ones you might do before December and those which hold the seeds of your direction for 2023.
Remind yourself that Summer isn’t over yet
While it’s really tempting to dive into autumn, don’t be too hasty! spring is a long way off. Keep enjoying summer things while you can and if you haven’t spent a day at the beach/picnicked in the park/napped in a sunbeam then plan to do it this month and enjoy the last part of the season.
Tap into your ‘new pencil case’ energy
September often feel like a fresh start because you’ve had time to rest and be restored by the warmer weather and sunshine (hello vitamin D!). Think about how to channel this? Will you give your morning routine a shake-up? Or start a new habit? It’s up to you.
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