Usually, at this time of the year, I’d be all about embracing the back-to-school feel. My thoughts would turn to finding ways to enjoy the last of the summer weather while putting foundations in place for winter. However, I’m a little distracted from such things at present. I’m spending half of each week helping my parents declutter in preparation for downsizing. It’s a move I’m sure will prove to have lasting benefits for the whole family. But right now life does seem to be made up of boxes of random objects, photos of people no one recognises and hundreds of mugs.
So I’m working on my Pollyanna attitude. In any situation, I can learn something. Finding a way to do all my work in 3 and half days has been a useful experience in looking at what matters. I’ve also realised that it’s possible to be more productive when you’re both busy and short of time. It means that you have to be well organised. For every distraction, add a minute to your finish time.
For a more organised September consider these:
Work out what you actually need to do
Your focus is that for which completion is a must. Particularly the type of things that you know need working on but usually get put off until the next day. Ignore the things that aren’t really important. You know the tasks that won’t come close to mattering if they are undone. Then look at the number of days available to you work by week and separate out the work. Creating a multicolour schedule should not distract you. Go minimalist and just allocate the work to the time and then do it.
Tidy as you go
Tempting as it can be to leave things to sort out later – don’t. Likewise do not fling all the things into a cupboard, shed or storage box to deal with when you have time. Unless you schedule in time for clearing out it’s unlikely to happen. All you’re doing is creating a bundle of extra work for a later point. So do the washing up, eat the food in the fridge and keep your space clear. Otherwise, your mind doesn’t stand a chance against the chaos.
Take small breaks
I love chugging mugs of tea while I work. But stopping to drink my tea and read a few pages of a book is even better. But we don’t do the latter because being too busy to stop seems cooler. It’s more like how we imagine success. So stop signalling how much you love your work by pushing yourself and instead show your work respect by taking a break.