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Trees and a low sun. Text reads Organisational tips for March.

Do something about ‘later’

Look at the places you gather things to look at ‘later’. Come up with a plan that will decide when later actually is and how often it happens. It might be a case of reviewing your inbox once a week and dealing with these lingering messages. Or that you’ll do  a tidy up of your downloads folder or pin board once a month. Or that you’ll clear out and archive your paperwork once a year. It’s up to you.

Make plans for Love Your Desk Day

We’ve out Wednesday 10th March in our diaries as a date to celebrate our desks. So we’ll be giving them a clean and tidying up all the stuff that on them. It’ll be fun to work out which items we want to have on display both because they are useful and because they look cool. And don’t forget about all the other places that you use as a temporary desk around your home (hello kitchen tables, dining rooms, beds, sofas and staircases).

Prepare to spring forward

Get yourself ready for the clocks going forward and see if as an opportunity to shake up your routine. If you have a set routine you might even find yourself waking up an hour earlier than usual. How do you want to use that time? Going back to sleep is fine but so is getting up to do something. Maybe a morning walk?